Thursday 23 August 2012

Drum Beat

Rentak Asli Malaysia


zapin in the most popular beat in Johor. This beat well known in Johor because of its dance. the tempo for this beat is 110.


Inang is mostly used in 70 to 90 an era and certain song in 2000 era are using this beat. This beat also mix with other beat especially masri beat to make it sound harmony and happening and the tempo for this beat is 120.


Masri beat is the beautiful beat since it can produce beautiful and harmony sound in a song. This beat always mix with inang beat. For example a Sweet Charity song Zakiah and the tempo for this song is 110.


This beat is known cause it soft melody. this beat is so interest to play and the tempo for this beat is 60. such a slow tempo right?


A beat with tempo 120 is known as joget where it is an energetic beat. This Beat is said has a connection with the Portuguese that come to Malay Land and now this beat has popular in Malay Land.


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